Tuesday, June 7, 2011


In Pre-K, we have been very excitedly counting down to Shavous. This week we started learning all about Shavous. We learned about the special present Hashem wanted to give any nation who wanted it. The children dressed up as people from different nations, all of whom did not want the Torah! Finally, Hashem went to the Jewish people. We did not ask what the Torah said, we just said “Naase V’nishma,” (“We will do and we will listen.”) Hashem is so happy, he gives the Torah to the Jewish people.

We talked about what the torah is and what is written inside of a torah.
 Here are some of our friends' ideas:

What does it say inside the Torah?

Emy: Kohanim
Ron: You should love each other.
Jacklyn: Don't lie.
Shimon: Don't kill.
Zaylin: No shooting.
Yonni: Do not hit each other.
Nosson: Do not push each other.
Shlomo: Honor your mother and father.
Aaron: Respect your father and mother.
Chava: You can not pinch.
Ariel: You can not kill Jewish people.
We opened up our class torah
 and saw how the parsha that Morah tells us every week is written inside in Hebrew. The torah talks about the history of the Jewish people and tells mitzvos that we could do to make our neshama so happy.
Each child started making their own Torah that they filled with mitzvos; their very own mitzvah notes!

Now that Hashem had a nation to give the Torah to, Hashem needed to find the right place to give the Torah. Hashem wanted to give the Torah in the wilderness, a place that nobody owns so that it should belong equally to everyone. Different mountains came to Hashem and begged Hashem to give the Torah
on him. One argued that he is the tallest, another that he is the widest, prettiest, hardest etc. Hashem did not pick any of the proud mountains, but he picked little Har Sinai. Har Sinai had good midos, he did not brag, he was very humble. Hashem liked Har Sinai’s humility and chose to give the Torah on Har Sinai.

Hashem told the B’nai Yisroel to get ready! Even Har Sinai got ready, Hashem made flowers grow on her in preparation for the Torah. (For this reason it is a custom for some to decorate their home and with flowers and plants.)
We created our own flowers so that we can decorate our homes too!

Hashem made the whole world quiet even the animals did not make noise. Suddenly clouds came down on Har Sinai and it started to thunder and lighten. The sound of the Shofar was heard and suddenly Hashem’s voice came booming out saying “Anochi Hashem Elokecha” All the Jewish people heard the ten commandments. (Two of them from the voice of Hashem and the rest from Hashem as told through Moshe.)
Shavous Songs

Song I.

Hashem gave us a present, do you know what it was?

He gave us the Torah so we should keep its laws.

He asked the other nations, do you want this gift of mine?

They said “no thank you!” For the Torah there’s no time!

(2 X’s) Then to the Jewish people, Hashem did go,

We said, “Naase V’nishma” because we love Hashem so!

Song II.

I am a mountain so very high,

I can reach way up to the sky,

The Torah should be given on me,

because I am as tall as can be you see!

Oh no! I am much greater than you!

There are so many things I can do,

the Torah should be given on me,

Because I am as great as can be you see!

But little Har Sinai just stood there and sighed,

I know I’m not tall, I know I’m not wide.

The Torah won’t be given on me,

because I am as small as can be you see!

Of all of the Mountains, Hashem chose Sinai

Because he did not hold himself high,

He had good midos and humble ways

and from this we learn that Humility pays!

1 comment:

  1. hi my name is jack hazut my web sit is wwwisraelimage.net you have been using my photo without my permission please contact me jackhazut@yahoo.com

    Jack Hazut
    Photos from Israel and the world

