Friday, June 10, 2011

Shavous Celebrations

This week we focused on how we celebrate Shavous.
One way to celebrate is by eating dairy foods. (When the Jewish people got the Torah eating meat was too hard because they did not know the Kosher laws yet, hence they ate dairy.)
We graphed what our favorite dairy food was and turns out 9/12 friends liked ice cream.
We lucked out! Morah Inna and friends got to make their own ice cream from scratch!

We also made delicious cheese cake which we brought home to share with our families on Shavous!
Shimon shows us the words written inside the Torah.

Nosson notices that Sephardic Torah's have the same words as Ashkenazic Torahs. Their covers are different, however.

1 comment:

  1. Hi! Where did you find the sephardic children's scroll? Half my junior congregation is Sephardic and I would love one of these!
