Thursday, June 9, 2011

Our World- Land and Plants

What is land made up of? Rocks, soil, and sand... We took some soil from our school backyard to see what it is made of. There we found sand, little rocks, and humus. What is humus?   Is is parts of dying plants and animals- an important part of soil that contains food for growing plants. You say- yucky, we say- science!

 We also learned that rocks are different in many ways. Some rocks are too big to hold it in our hands. They are big as a mountain. Grains of sand are rocks too but the smallest one. So we can hold at least thousand of them at the same time.
There is an amazing sequence in creation: light first, then water and land. Everything that living things need. So what living things was created on third day?
PLANTS! Friends put their heads together to think what is good about plants. They said that plants are good because they make world pretty, we can smell them, and we can eat them. We learned that plants have different parts: roots, stem, leaves, flowers and fruits.
Then we decided to plant some seeds and see what will happen. We discussed that seeds can't be planted in sand or water. They need soil, water and light.  We were so excited about the planting that we expected the seeds to grow the very next day . But it did not happen! We are going to see how long it will take our seeds to grow. Everyone is going to take care of own plant. 

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