Sunday, March 20, 2011

Japan News

In light of recent shocking events that have happened in Japan, it is important for information to be shared on an appropriate level for children.  They hear conversations or pieces of news but don't understand it. Therefor, we tried to explayn the children what has happened in Japan.

When Morah asked friends what is a volcano there is what they say.
Volcanoes are not safe. (Chava Evalyn)
Some volcanoes are nice, some are not. They have different actions. (Zaylin)
Fire comes from a volcano. (Ron)
I saw a video. It was scary. (Aaron)
Big smoke and fire come from a volcanoe. There is a hole and there is fire. (Emy)
Volcanoe is a big space shuttle. (Nosson)
Volcanoe is huge. (Jacklyn)
Smoke and bubbles come from volcanoes. (Shimon)
Volcanoes are big. Some volcanoes are small but some volcanoes are huge. (Alan)

We learned that Japan earthquake occured from the under the sea volcano and caused a huge wave known as a tsunami. When it reached the shore it destroyed the land constructions leaving people without homes.

You can find tips how talk to kids about earthquake and tsunami on

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