Friday, February 11, 2011

Our Community- Construction

Community is a group of people who live and work together. Some people live in buildings, some people live houses. In class, we discussed how a building is different from a house. Friends said that the difference is in the size. Morah pointed out that other difference is how many families can live in a house and in a building. Friends said that about 100 families or more can live in a building and only one or two families live in a house. Who builds buildings and houses? Everyone knows! BUILDERS! In class we talked about what goes on during construction. Concrete is poured to make a foundation, walls are built, pipes are laid, and wires are connected. We noticed that there different types of jobs within a construction crew who have different responsibilities. Jobs may include architects, engineers, carpenters, bricklayers, plumbers, electricians, and painters.
Morah told us that architects are the people who get the idea and plan how a house will look like, how many rooms it will have, how tall it will be, and what shape it would take.
Architect Ron designed his house for his family and a pet Rhino.

Architect Alan designed his house for his grandmother, mother, father and him.

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