Friday, October 8, 2010

We are alike, we are different

In class, we discussed what precious gifts our children are to their families. When they were born a very special gift was given each of them- a Jewish Neshama, a piece of Hashem inside of us, that makes us very special. We are all the same because we all have a neshama. But what makes us different? There are some thoughts about the meaning of the word "different".
Different means: "When one person hits, but other doesn't hit."(Nosson)
Different means: "when someone has different toy than you have." (Ronni)
We learned that different means "not the same". 
Then we thought what makes us the same and what makes us different. We are people. It is make us the same. Some of us are boys, some are girls. It is making us different. We all have Birthdays, but on different days. We have names, but they are all different. We learned that Jewish people get names on special days- girls on the day when Torah is read in shuls, boys at 7 day from their birthday- on the day of Bris. Our names are very special. Some of us are named after our great or grand great parents, some after Torah heroes. Being different is a good thing.  It makes us special!  
SPECIAL! Why do we think we are special?
I am special because Hashem made me as a super special boy. (Emanuel)
I am special because girls have a lot clothes and stars in the closet. I am special because I can eat different food. (Evalyn)
I am special because I like to eat cereal. (Ariel)
I am special because Hashem loves me. (Aaron)
I am special because my mom loves me. (Shimon)
Next week we are going to discuss what place we take within our families. We are going to learn the ways of showing kindness, respect and responsibility toward our families. 

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