Friday, October 22, 2010

Parshas Vayaira

After Avraham got his Bris he didn’t feel very well. Even so, Avraham still sat outside his tent waiting for guests. Hashem saw that Avraham wasn’t feeling well so he made it very hot that day so no guests would come by. Avraham still waited outside in the heat, hoping that guests would come by.

Hashem decided to make Avraham feel better by sending three guests; Three angels. When Avraham saw what looked three men coming, he got very excited. He ran out to greet them and gave them the coolest seats available, underneath a tree. He quickly ran to prepare delicious food for the guests. (We learn how to welcome and treat our guests, just like Avraham!)
Each of the three angels came with a mission. Malach Refael, came to heal Avraham. Malach Michoel came to tell Avraham and Sarah very exciting news; Sarah, who was 89 years old, would soon be giving birth to a son. When Sarah heard the news she laughed because she could not believe it, how could someone have a child at such an old age?

One year after the Angels came to visit Avraham and Sarah, Sarah gave birth to a little baby boy whom they called Yitzchak. Avraham and Sarah were overjoyed that after such a long time they finally were blessed with a baby!
Parshas Vayaira Song
From North to South, from East to West
Avrohom’s tent was open to guests
Three malochim were sent
Each to do something different
A son you will have, Sara was told
She laughed and said, "I’m too old,"
The next malach came to destroy S’dom
The third came to heal Avrohom
Avrohom ran to the malochim
To be machnis orchim

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