Sunday, May 22, 2011


If we put food in our mouth how do we know what it is. How do we know if it is sweat or salty, sour or bitter? How our body gets information? The answer is through the sense of taste that begins with you tongue. Friends looking at each other tongues noticed little bumps on their tongues. Morah said that these bumps called taste buds.When we eat something the taste buds tell brain what you are tasting. Then the brain tells us if we like or not what we are eating or drinking.
In the class we decided to gather information about our most and least favorite tastes. The collected data showed, the most favorite taste is sweat, the least favorite is bitter. Everyone agrees that without different tastes the food would be not such enjoyment.
What mitzvah we can do using the sense of taste? Tasting Shabbos challah, an apple in honey, or grape juice!

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