Friday, April 1, 2011

Pesach II.

Hashem loved us so much, He did not want us to be slaves. He wanted us to be free so that we could do Mitzvos! Finally, after Hashem showed Paraoh 10 plagues, did he finally agree to let the Jewish people go. They packed their bags in a big hurry not even having time to bake their bread, and left Egypt. (Their bread got baked the sun and is known as Matzah)

But then Paraoh changes his mind and decides he wants his slaves back!

He comes chasing after the Jewish people with a giant army. They find themselves surrounded by mountains on two sides, an army behind them and a huge sea in front of them!

What should they do?
Hashem loves us and does a miracle! (A miracle is when Hashem changes the laws of nature to help us.)

The sea splits! The Jewish people pass safely onto dry land!

To remember the Matzah the Jews took with them out of Mitzrayim, we eat Matzah on Pesach. What is Matzah? Matzah is flour and water that was baked and does not rise. We talked about how things rise. We experimented with yeast; here are our results:

1) Our two bottles with warm water, sugar and one with yeast.

2) The yeast starts causing the balloon to blow up!

When flour and water is mixed together and left to sit for more than 18 minutes, the dough begins to produce yeast and start to rise. If flour and water is allowed to rise, it is called Chametz! Matza cannot rise! We make matzah very flat and fast so that it won’t rise! Matzah is made in less than 18 minutes!

We got to make Matzah at the Model Matzah Factory!
The Wheat is crushed.

The chaff is blown away from the kernals.
Ariel grinds the kernals into flour.

The flour is sifted.

The flour and water are mixed.

The dough is kneaded.
It's rolled and has holes put inside it. 

The Matzah is baked.
It's ready! Pre-K friends enjoyed eating their Matzos for lunch.
Friends draw their experiences.

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