Friday, January 7, 2011

Our Community- The Hardware Store

Coming back from the vacation everyone had a lot of stories to share with each other. Everyone was excited about the amount of snow that fell dawn during vacation. Morah was wondering how our community cleaned the snow off our streets sidewalks. Some friends said that they used brushes to brush the snow off, others said that they shoveled the snow. Morah was wondering where our friends' families got their shovels. Yonni said that his family got a shovel from his grandmother. Other friends said that they just found it at home.  We decided to take a walk around the Brighton Beach community and find a "SHOVEL STORE." Walking around, we found a HARDWARE Store; a place where people can buy shovels. It is happened that last week, the store SOLD OUT all shovels. Being in the store, we decided to look around and see what else people can buy there.

We found a blue tape that we needed so much for our classroom. We use this tape to attach pictures and letters to wall.
In the Hardware Store, we met a locksmith who made a key for us. We were thinking how many minutes he needed to make a key. Some friends thought 10 minutes. The locksmith did it in one minute! He is a super locksmith!

We paid for things what we needed; the key, the tape and three pair of construction gloves that we use in our block center. 
Coming back from the trip, we were paying attention on how clean the streets were. We were wondering if people could clean the snow using only shovels.  One friend mentioned that he saw garbage trucks on the street cleaning up the snow. The Sanitation Department came to the rescue and cleaned our community  streets from the snow. It was their job, their responsibility. 


  1. Inna,
    Yonni cannot stop being impressed about the making of the keys, how fast they were made, how shiny they are, etc...Instead of dragging him to museums next time we are off to Home Depot.
