Thursday, September 16, 2010


Dear Parents,
Thank you for being so attentive and encouraging towards your children's homework. The homework will be given to the children twice a week. The goal of the homework is to practice and master learned skills in the classroom. In addition the children develop problem solving, critical thinking, attention, concentrating skills, and fine motor skills that will help them to become successful Kindergartners.
Here are some tips for helping your child with their homework.
  • Choose appropriate and less destractive place for your child to do homework.
  • Be patient and keep your cool. Encourage your child to try their best. Praise hard work, not perfection.
  • Encourage neatness.
  • Try to use the same language that we use in school. For example, to review the letter sounds say " The L says /l/, the L says /l/. Every letter makes the sound. The L says /l/.  Practicing writing the letter the way we learn it.  Say "Start from the top. The big line goes down. The little line on the bottom."  While the child is coloring something in, encourage him "to control the crayon and stay inside of a picture."
  • Choose a time for homework when both you and your child are not tired.  
  • Don't expect perfection! The children's fine motor skills are still developing... give it time and plenty of practice. 
  • Please do not do the homework for your child. If you see that the child needs more practice send us a note. We will discuss what should be done and how we can help. 
Dear Parents, When we work together as a team, we truly can give our children an exciting learning experience. If you have any questions don't hesitate to contact us.

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